by Fidanov Networks

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What is LanDroid?

LanDroid is swiss army knife of network tools for Android OS with simple and handy interface.
Initially created for my personal needs (there weren't many good network information and troubleshooting apps available in 2010) released publicly on Google Play in 2011.
Landroid is a free application without Ads and annoying stuff and will always remain such (Please don't send me monetization offers).



Get it

Current version: 1.43

Get it from Google Play

Download APK from

Download old version 1.41

Download old version 1.39


There is no documentation available. This app is intended for network experts and has very simple interface. If you need information about some of the tools just search for it's name in Wikipedia.

(Yep, I receive a lot of such "requests")
LanDroid is not a hacking tool. It's a network troubleshooting tool. There are plenty of free online resources and trainings if your are interested in IT security.

The uniqueness of LanDroid is it's tiny size, lightness and backward compatability. This is part of my philosophy, I love the simple and minimalistic things. If I decide to create a paid application, it'll have all the good stuff for sure.

An example: In the LocalNet tool, in order to be able to view the wifi SSID/BSSID on modern Android versions you need to grant Location permissions (a privacy measure by Google). If I add an automatic, interactive request for location permission, I'll have to include additional library which will add 1MB to the app size (60k) and break the compatibility and support for many old devices.


- This update targets the latest Android API (34) to meet the new GooglePlay requirements and keep the application available in the Playstore.
  (For details:
  As a result of the above change, the following LanDroid features have been disabled:
  - NetStat
  - ARP & ND Cache
  - Lan Discover
  These features are still available in the old version of Landroid, which is available on "".
- "LocalNet" provides more detailed information now.

- New Icon (+130k to the app..)
- New tool: LAN Discover
- Code update, replaced some deprecated APIs usage.
- Fix the 'DNS' tool to accept '_' in the input
- Updated top ports list (used by portscan)
- Drop support for Android versions < 2.3 (API level 9)
- Require new permission: 'ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION' in addtion to the existing FINE_LOCATION to comply with Andorid 12 changes.

* New tool: UPnP Discover (Beta)
* Android 10 (API 29) compatibility
Android 10 (API level 29) introduced many privacy changes and restrictions.
Therefore the "NetStat" tool is not supported from Android 10 onwards.
Also the interface counters and sockets information (on LocalNet) are not available anymore.
A workaround has been implemented to diplay the network routes.
* New tool: UPnP Discover
* The app now requires "Location" permission to display the SSID/BSSID information on LocalNet properly.

* Removed PayPal donate buton to comply with the new Google's payments policy.

* Android 9 (API 28) compatibility
* Workaround for ping6 on Android 8+
* Added hop response time to the traceroute tool
* Added option to choose packet count (1-99) on ping/ping6 tools
* Dropped SSLv3 support in SSL Check tool
* Bugfixes

* New features: IPv6 calc and ND Cache (ipv6)
* UI improvements
  - New Material based theme
  - Live result updates from Ping, Portscan and Traceroute tools
* Code refactoring: Targeting Android version 6.0 (Marshmallow). 
  Removed deprecated APIs while still keep the support of Android 2.1 (Eclair)
* Bugfixes

* full IPv6 support for all tools (only ipv6calc and ndp tools left for the next release)
* updates and improvements on many of the tools
* back-end improvements
* updated icon

* Improved SSLCheck tool - partial SNI support, now it correctly validates SNI server certs,
  but still dumps the info from primary certificate only.
* Improved NetStat & ArpCache tools - tabular output, reverse lookup option
* Improved Whois tool - now supports global subdomains like
* Fixed rare, infinite wait bug with Ping/TraceRoute tools on some devices, when server doesn't respond.
* Fixed screen rotation issues
* Added donate link

* Added fonts size settings
* Added option to select and copy part of the results to clipboard
* Implemented "holographic" theme for tablet devices
* Fixed bug - Aborting actions on screen rotation (thanks to Robin Thomson for reporting it)

* Added "TraceRoute" feature
* Added "MAC Lookup" feature
* Ping - added "packet size" and "fragmentation" options
* Move to SD card now supported

* Added "IP Lookup" feature
* Added DNSBL feature
* PublicIP - more detailed info
* PortScan - custom ports option (using menu options)
* "IP Info" renamed to LocalNet
* Compatible with Android 2.1 and up
* Input validations

Initial public release, awaiting your comments.


Thanks to all people that support me to continue to improve Landroid.
Please send your suggestions and bug reports to: